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Turok 2 Seeds Of Evil Remastered Update V1 5 2-PLAZA Hack Pc: The Complete Review of the Revamped Ga

Writer's picture: vinregunenlamalirivinregunenlamaliri

Turok Dinosaur Hunter is a first-person shooter video game developed by Iguana Entertainment and published by Acclaim for the Nintendo 64 console and Microsoft Windows. Turok Dinosaur Hunter was first released on February 28, 1997. A remastered version was announced on August 26, 2015, and was released in digital stores on December 17, 2015 by Night Dive Studios including new features such as; Support for high resolutions, and widescreen; Improved gameplay and level design; OpenGL for video backend to provide portability and support for vertical sync; Dynamic lighting, bloom, FXAA, enhanced water effects, and lights shafts; Ability to freely rebind all keyboard, mouse, and gamepad inputs. I am currently designing a Retextured version of the remastered version by Night Dive Studios that was released in digital stores on December 17, 2015. Turok Dinosaur Hunter Retextured version by Gael Romanet includes the following updates. 1: The render distance (maxDistance) is now considerably extended (exactly 3,3 times more drawing distance). Gameplay speaking, 3,3 times more drawing distance means that, the enemies can see you from 3,3 times further, which results in an increased level of difficulty within the game levels. The game levels are more difficult to finish. 2: The English map titles have been changed for the following; "the lost ruins" (the hub), "the jungle lakes" (the jungle), "the arena temple" (the ancient city), "the forgotten city" (the ruins), "the old catacombs" (the catacombs), "the canyon village" (the treetop village), "the dead land" (the lost land), "the final fortress" (the final confrontation). In game, this affect the name of the saves. 3: The tekbow weapon now allows underwater killing. 4: The scale of the grenade launcher weapon is now set as normal. 5: New crosshair in a turok style. 6: New cursor in a turok style. 7: At the bottom in the center of the menu strings screen, written informations to help to know which version of Turok Dinosaur Hunter Retextured version by Gael Romanet is running, and where to download it. 8: New English menu strings, which includes; "go retextured" (to start a new game), "play training" (to play the training level), "load game" (to load your game), "turok options" (to select the options), "time to sleep" (to quit the game). 9: New English hub titles, which includes; "the lost ruins" (the hub), "the jungle lakes" (the jungle), "the arena temple" (the ancient city), "the forgotten city" (the ruins), "the old catacombs" (the catacombs), "the canyon village" (the treetop village), "the dead land" (the lost land), "the final fortress" (the final confrontation). 10: The English intro messages ("LOCATE THE HUB RUINS" "USE THE KEYS" "TO OPEN LEVEL PORTALS") have been changed for the following; ("FIND THE PASSAGE TO THE LOST RUINS" "USE THE KEYS TO OPEN LEVEL PORTALS" "PLAY VISUAL DESIGN BY GAEL ROMANET"). 11: Models changed for the following; detail_bones04, detail_cave_stag_floor01, detail_cave_stag_floor02, detail_cave_stag_floor03, detail_plant02, detail_plant03, detail_plant04, detail_plant15, detail_plant16, detail_plant17, detail_plant19, detail_tree_trunk_large01, detail_tree_trunk_large02, detail_tree_trunk_large03, detail_tree_trunk_large04, detail_tree_trunk_large05, detail_tree_trunk_large06, detail_tree02, detail_tree07. This affect the game levels by having hundreds of trees and plants added. 12: Increased Camera.fov when start the cinematic if starting a new game. This give an effect of speed (like from an eagle eyes view). 13: Increased Camera.fov for the menu strings. This allow to see the four trees. 14: In skies folder, a new folder named gaelromanet has been added which contains seven new sky textures; sky_brown, sky_city1, sky_city2, sky_dark, sky_grey1, sky_grey2, and sky_intro. 15: The skyMaterials has been rewrote to get rid of the color_diffuse. The result is a better lighting rendering for the skies within the game levels. 16: The textures (including refractionmap and turok_logo2) are 4K designed by Gael Romanet, which means the main textures (including the textures for the weapons) are in a resolution of 3840 x proportion in a .PNG file format. 17: The following textures; tex0037_00, tex0038_00, tex0144_00, tex0145_00, tex0146_00, tex0147_00, tex0148_00, tex0149_00, tex0158_00, tex0159_00, tex0170_00, tex0171_00, tex0177_00, tex0178_00, tex0179_00, tex0181_00, tex0182_00, tex0184_00, tex0185_00, tex0187_00, tex0188_00, tex0189_00, tex0190_00, tex0191_00, tex0202_00, have been replaced by transparent textures with an alpha channel in a resolution of 1 x 1 in a .PNG file format. This allow a better view for the seven new sky textures, and this allow to get rid of some bugs due of the models changed within the game levels. As everything on my website, I am working alone and designing everything myself for my Turok Dinosaur Hunter Retextured version. Turok Dinosaur Hunter Retextured version by myself will be available on December 17, 2017. For a perfect gameplay, graphics, audio and video experience, when playing Turok Dinosaur Hunter Retextured version by Gael Romanet, make sure that the following commands are set as follow in the .cfg file (see gpu_gaelromanet.cfg file in the game.kpf file) seta cl_maxfps "60" seta g_environmentsounds "1" seta g_perpolyparticlecollision "1" seta g_extendeddrawdistance "1" seta g_showcrosshair "1" seta g_drawhud "1" seta g_weaponbobbing "1" seta r_fxaa "1" seta r_bloom "1" seta r_bloomthreshold "0.99" seta r_bloomalpha "1.0" seta r_saturation "1" seta r_saturationpower "1.000000" seta r_saturation_r "0.000000" seta r_saturation_g "0.000000" seta r_saturation_b "0.000000" seta r_lightscatter "1" seta r_lightscatterexposure "0.12" seta r_fov "90.0" seta r_useocclusionquery "1" seta r_gridboundocclusionmultiplier "10.0" seta r_waterplaneocclusionmultiplier "10.0" seta r_maxocclusionunit "0.01" seta r_water_refraction "1" seta r_water_reflection "1" seta r_simpleactorshadows "1" seta snd_volume "1.000000" seta snd_musicvolume "1.000000" seta snd_hardwarereverb "1" seta v_width "3840" seta v_height "2160" seta v_windowed "0" seta v_borderless "1" seta v_refresh "60" seta v_vsync "0" seta v_depthsize "24" seta v_stencilsize "8" seta v_buffersize "32" seta r_finish "1" seta r_maxocclusionunit "0.01" Image below is the new English menu strings of the Alpha Version 2 of Turok Dinosaur Hunter Retextured version by Gael Romanet, which is under DEEP development. What you see here is what you will get!

Turok 2 Seeds Of Evil Remastered Update V1 5 2-PLAZA Hack Pc



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